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Well, it’s my first day of a road trip to what I hope will be Alaska, Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) willing. Canada is still closed to Americans, with a few narrow exemptions. For reasons not relevant here, Susan has decided not to accompany me, so she’s back at home. I drive from Livingston Manor to South Bend, Indiana in one grueling 11 hour day with barely a break — over 700 miles!

At 1 AM, I arrive at the Tire Rack facility where I’ll sleep, doubtless under the watchful eye of security cameras, until my 8 AM appointment. I’m going to get 4 new tires mounted and after that I’ll move forward. So I’m where I need to be, but an uninteresting day and a lot of time on the road with nothing but gas stops. And here I am in Indiana, my favorite place in the world. Riiight.
Next post: https://blog.bucksvsbytes.com/2021/06/18/road-trip-21-06-09-sallying-forth-on-new-tires/